Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Slavery In France Essay Example for Free

Slavery In France Essay The issue of slavery has been a major point of debate in the history of man. The rights of African slaves during the Enlightenment and the French Revolution created controversies arose over the issue of slavery. People living in France during the Enlightenment and revolutionary times had debated that slavery was needed in order for France to avoid an economic shock, slavery should end, slaves needed rights, and slaves were better off being slaves than free. Men hadargued that slavery was needed in order for France to stay afloat. A delegate from Bordeuax had stated in a speech in the National Assembly that the abolition of slavery and the slave trade would mean the loss of our coloniesthe colonies bring in an annual income of more than 200 million livres. (Doc 10) Being a delegate, he would most likely try to do his best to persuade the National Assembly for the people he is representing. On the same issue, Antoine Barnavem, a french orator, also reports to the National Assemblys Committee on the Colonies that France has reached this level of prosperity thanks to our colonies. Barnave also states that if the colonies would someday gain independence, France would have to prepare a backup plan to lose them without an economic shock and without a disturbance to our political existence. (Doc 14) War also seemed to affect the number of slaves brought by French ships, shown by a bar graph that stated the number of slaves delivered had gone up by eight times as much in a time period of less than 100 years (Doc 11). On the other side, others had stated that slaves had rights like any other man, and that slavery should be abolished. Louis de Jaucourt, being a philosophe, uses the views of many others to state that slaves should be treated like regular humans. He states that we can not take away fro ma person that natural dignity which is liberty. (Doc 1) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a philosophe like Jaucourt, dislikes slavery, debating that seeing one-fourth of my fellow humans changed into beasts for the service of others, I have grieved to be a human. (Doc 3) Jacques Necker likewise states that slaves have been made a barbaric object of trade. (Doc 8) Count Mirabeau believed that slaves deserved their rights, saying that I demand to know how the twenty White people here from the colonies can be said to represent the people of color from whom they have received no authority. (Doc 9) Maximilien Robespierre, a major radical, also shares the view of these men, believing that slaves should be free men no matter what cost and that he does not share any interest of the colonies, whether they help France stay up or not. (Doc 15) Voltaire had commented that slaves are what satiate the needs of luxuries from the folk of France, things unknown to our ancestors. Finally, Olympe de Gouges stated that the color of ones skin should not differentiate the two. Why destroy natures work? The remaining folk had tried to debate that slaves are better off than living back in their homeland. A delegate from the Owners of Property in the French Colonies of America Residing in Bordeaux had stated that the French have saved the slaves from the cruelest slavery and had stationed them under a kind of humane government where they live without fear for tomorrow. (Doc 13) The assumption that slaves would think this with the feedback theyve given makes for an uneducated point. Guillaume Raynal agrees with the delegates statement, commentating that the colonies that the slaves are working on have a climate that White people are incapable of working in, and that to make the best of this precious soil, it has been necessary to find a particular species of laborers. (Doc 6) The slaves are simply being seen as tools for the fields, controlled by the government. Louis de Jaucourt stated that masters who acquired new slaves were obligated by law them instructed in the Catholic faith. In return, this had convinced Louis XIII to authorize this horrid commerce in human flesh. This practice was only used to simply boost the number of Catholics in the world. DDenis Diderot, a philosophe, asks Why did the Christian powers not consider that their religion was fundamentally opposed to black slavery? He answers this in saying that the nations that condone slavery needed slaves for their colonies, plantations, and mines. The unfortunate blending of slavery and a nations economy creates an unstable situation of morals and brutality.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Egyptians :: essays research papers

Egyptians "Did the early Egyptians have help in building the pyramids?" All over the world remain fantastic objects, vestiges of people or forces which the theories of archaeology, history, and religion cannot explain. There is something inconsistent about our archaeology. They have found electric batteries many thousands of years old. They have found strange beings in perfect space-suits with platinum fasteners. They have also found numbers with fifteen digits- something not registered by any computer. How did the early men acquire the ability to do this? par tab Some say all these questions can be answered through the evidence found in ancient wall paintings and carvings, and the sculpture and buildings found in many different parts of the world. All over Europe and South America there is evidence left behind by the ancient people of these great civilizations.par tab First, a look at whether there is or could be intelligent life on other planets. It is conceivable that we world citizens of the twentieth century are not the only living beings of our kind in the cosmos. Because no alienspar from another planet is on display in a museum for us to visit, the answer, "our earth is the only planet with human beings," still seems to be legitimate and convincing. But that is a very narrow-minded way to look at things. The idea that life can flourish only under terrestrial conditions has been made obsolete by research. It is a mistake to believe that life cannot exist without water and oxygen. Even on our own earth there are forms of life that need no oxygen. They are called anaerobic bacteria. A given amount of oxygen acts like poison on them. Why should there not be higher forms of life that do not need oxygen?par We are still convinced that our earth is the center of everything, although it has been proved that the earth is an ordinary star of insignificant size-30,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way. The human race is certainly more willing to accept the possibility of extraterrestria l contact now than it was, say, half a century ago. So if there is evidence shown the extraterrestrials did have an influence on ancient civilizations, we should be able to look at it and make a intelligent decision for ourselves.par tab Much evidence is found on the walls of ancient buildings and temples. The walls of tombs and even caves have the signature of something other than human. In Anannhet, Tassili there are rock paintings 8,000 years old with strong figures. These figures are flying above a spherical object with a hatch like lid and two

Monday, January 13, 2020

Dutton, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence. Essay

This book gives us the history about assault on spouses. Dutton talks of two major social phenomena that emerged in North American and the Western countries in Europe. Long and tedious struggle of women led their rights get recognized. It goes further to state the measures and incidences of violence including theories concerning women assault. The cycle of violence and people who possess abusive personalities are stated even assault on men.Ideas in this book are crucial for they teach about recognizing one another especially those who possess violent personalities. It is good for the society for it educates one to accept one’s rights and difference between marriage duties and rights. It also shows us that we can eliminate all odds in our society and try to make each and every person feel that he or she belongs to it fully without any intimidation or discrimination. Dutton’s ideas can be used to help those who possess abusive personality by attending psychiatrists and avoiding any abusive behavior. It can be used to educate spouses in a marriage so that they will evade future marriage problems. Also, in the current globalized world, the ideas in this book can help us socialize and live together in peace and harmony especially in the domestic setup. This book can help people who are married to other cultures to harmonize or leave those cultures and then live with the acceptance and respect of each other’s rights. Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Volcano: Volcano Press, 2004. Print. In this book, Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free, Weiss wrote about several stories of women who had been subjected to domestic violence. She got these stories by interviewing and later writing them down. The book talks of what they went through and how they later managed to escape it. It gives reasons as to why such incidences were happening. After escape, the women took a very long time finally to recover the psychological and wounds they got due to this violence. But also, some were yet to recover fully for the ordeal they went through changed their lives negatively. Those who managed to deal with stress after coming out say that they are stronger than ever. The different stories taught in this book are the true causes and effects of domestic related violence. They bring about what one goes through and how one feels while undergoing the violence. Also, it helps to understand what to do when such incidences happen. It also shows its effects and how they change one’s life, therefore, targeting those who abuse their partners. This book is a very good example as it shows us that those who have already freed themselves from the marital abuses can educate others like the youth and couples about domestic violence so that they refrain from them. The stories are very encouraging for they give people motivation to solve their problems and also how one can escape this. They can be used by those specialists in parental guidance and counseling to help them shape their marriage when such incidences are reported to them and even before couples get married. The ideas in this book can enable those undergoing abuses to get out and look for a better marriage partner. One only needs to accept that he or she is undergoing domestic violence and therefore if it cannot solve; one can boldly walk away and start life afresh. Marriage is not slavery, but it’s a path towards achieving your goals in life as one needs a partner who is willing to assist where possible so that they make all their dreams in life to happen. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger, 2009. Print. Phillip exposes how men goes through domestic violence silently. He talks of how real it is that men are going through domestic violence without the society suspecting. He brings several stories of men who have been undergoing through such violence from their wives for a long time. Then he goes further to give tips that can help one to find freedom from any form of abuse. He talks of resistance and acceptance for those who are abusing their spouses and how they come to realize that each and every person deserves respect. He also talks of new great approaches that can be used to reduce domestic violence. He then gives survey statistics of domestic violence in Canada and also how the relationship changes between the offenders to their victims. The story is helpful in realizing what some men undergo. It gives statistics of domestic violence that people are not ready to discuss. The society is helped to recognize men who are undergoing domestic abuses from their spouses. The statistics helps people to know how long they have been living with their friends undergoing abuses without even realizing it. It talks of acceptance that can help those who are yet to accept their spouse the way they are. It is helpful for it shows how much men can be subjected to torture with use of dangerous tools. Such tools include; knives, machetes and any other type of a life-threatening tool or machine so that one can force their partner to follow their commands. Philip’s ideas can be used to know the men who are undergoing abuses from their wives and enable us to help them come out of the problem. Also, it encourages courage especially those who are not courageous enough to come out and tell their ordeal to the society. This book can help men to free themselves away from any form of abuse and intimidation from their partners. This book is crucial as it can be used to tell the extent in which men undergo violence in real life situations. Men can also use this book to help them evade any other form of domestic violence against them and therefore reducing the number of men who die as a result of domestic violence. Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications, 2013. Print. This book has been written collectively by different authors who specialize in domestic violence ideas. It is about prevalence and physical health impacts of domestic violence. It talks about types of abuses in marriage such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and coercive control and also it questions them and gives clues on their solution. It also tackles the effects of a person’s psychology which is deeply affected even in the future that may not get them out of his mind. It stresses on the survival strategies to evade such abuses and also how one can control his or her mind to avoid damaging his or her psychology. In addition, it states the methods of interventions and responses people can take after or when you suspect any form of violence. Advice from professionals on domestic violence is also written down.This text has directives on what causes mental problems after abuse. It also gives us ways on how to control ourselves and maintain a state of calmnes s so as not disturb our stressed mind. It educates us on different forms of domestic violence. Different qualified professionals wrote it, and each field is well represented. It is an important text for it has the advices on domestic violence from professionals. The story in this book can help us to evade mental problems due to domestic abuses. It can also be used by psychiatrists to know what causes a certain mental disorder, and they can use the ideas here to enable their clients who are undergoing this problem to get out of it. It can also be used to educate couples so that when they are not in good terms to try to their best solve the problem before it gets out of hand. The advices written in this book can also apply in the same way to advice people especially those undergoing domestic violence depending on the cause and the kind of violence. Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger The book, Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women, is directed to those who have been freed from domestic violence and especially women. Due to violent domestic situations, one may develop post-traumatic stress disorders which are not easy to get out of one’s mind and can negatively affect that person. It aims at giving programs known as cognitive trauma therapy which one undergoes to help him or her come back to normal. It gives the techniques one can use them to help himself or herself by identifying any form of trauma and distress. And by so doing it can enable one to deal with it to help control and change his or her life. This book is targeting those who have been affected by domestic violence so that they come back to normal for those who were traumatized. It is an educational tool for the society to understand the devastating effects of wife battering. Therefore, it makes us even to identify those who are going through post-traumatic stress. It contains technics, and procedures one can follow so that they make him deal any results brought by domestic violence. It is also helpful as it helps chase out any fears one has due to what they went through during that horrifying period of domestic violence. Psychiatrists can use this book to help traumatized people by helping them to come back to normal. The ideas here can help us even to identify those going through stress in their marriage so that they help before it’s too late. Parents who are not in good terms can use this book to read and understand what one may go through if such incidences happen. The techniques in this book about dealing with trauma after violence can be used by psychiatrists to help clients who underwent this ordeal. Therefore, they identify what the form of trauma is, and this can help them to accordingly better their lives. It can also be used individually as one can remember well what went wrong in that marriage and helped them better their lives. References Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger,  2009. Print. Dutton, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence. Vancouver: UBC Press,  2006. Print. Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications,  2013. Print. Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Volcano: Volcano Press,  2004. Print. Source document

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Synopsis Of A Interview Project - 2517 Words

Interprofessional Interview Project The purpose of this project was to enable the learner to differentiate roles, responsibilities, scope of practice, licensure, certification, education, of a non-nurse professional healthcare provider through a semi-structured interview and observation experience. This experience enables the observer to engage in a simplified qualitative nursing research process as field notes were utilized to support in the analysis of both the interview and the observation. Examining the following terms will further benefit the learner: interprofessional education, interdisciplinary team, and multidisciplinary team. Per the World Health Organization (WHO) (2010, p. 22), interprofessional education has a benefit to†¦show more content†¦AP communicated well during her introduction of herself and explaining her role in the process. AP is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCS) who is employed by Baylor Scott White at All Saints (BSW-AS). There are two levels of social workers, bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. A person with a bachelor’s degree and passed a licensure exam is a Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker (LBSW). However, for a person a working at BSW-AS as a social worker, the employee must hold master’s degree. Accordingly, AP is an LCSW which is the most advanced certification a social worker can hold. It is a mastered prepared social worker whereby having the clinical hours and experience to work in private practice. LCSW is a licensure through the Texas State Board of Social Worker where the documentation gives a legal guarantee that the social worker is in good standing with the regulatory board. The social worker must pass a competency exam administered by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). Consequently, the importance of the licensure proves that the social worker is competent to practice and is ready to provide safe and ethical care. Every two years, thirty continuing education hours in social work must be earned, six of which are of professional ethics and social work values. An LCSW has the knowledge, theory, and advanced clinical practice of applying therapy and counseling sessions for treatment of children through adults for various mental,Show MoreRelatedBenefits Of Using Ppps Delivery Method886 Words   |  4 Pages1.0 Description of the Problem Each delivery method in the construction industry has some challenges that need to be considered to get the project done on time without any issue. Indeed, payment mechanisms play a major role in PPPs contracts because they allocate the risks between the public and the private parties. Therefore, they are essential because they reflect both of the levels of service required as well as the most cost-effective transfer of risk to the private entity . Since the PPPsRead MoreScience, Technology And The Nightly News Essay1684 Words   |  7 Pagesnon-science majors. 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